Pipestone County Star, 09-27-12
I love fall. It’s
my favorite time of year. The crisp air,
the fact that I can wear my favorite yellow jacket, and the pumpkin flavoring
that gets put in everything all combine to make me one very happy
librarian. I’ve always loved to look at
leaves, but I’ve never given much thought to how they change color. This year, I thought I would check into it.
Plants use sunlight to make oxygen and sugar from water and
carbon dioxide. They use a chemical
called chlorophyll to accomplish this process.
Chlorophyll happens to be green, which is why leaves are green
throughout the spring and summer. In the
fall, when the leaves begin to turn, the chlorophyll is going away and the
trees are no longer making food. As
trees go dormant, their leaves change colors.
The beautiful red that is my favorite is caused by the
leftover glucose turning color in the sunlight.
The brown of oak leaves is the result of waste products left behind from
photosynthesis (turning sunlight into food) in the leaves. Purples and yellows are caused by other
chemicals and pigments left behind in the leaves as the chlorophyll fades away.
Weather also has an effect on leaf color. If the weather is cool, more colors will
form, but freezing will dull them. This
would be why we have brilliant colors for only a short period around here – it
doesn’t take long to go from cool to freezing in Minnesota. The best time to enjoy leaves is late
September to early October, when the weather is clear and cool, but we haven’t
(hopefully) had any frost yet.
As the leaves change color, the trees also get ready to
lose them. Small groups of cells form at
the base of each leaf and gradually separate them from the tree, sealing the
bark behind them. When the leaf gets
blown away or falls because it’s too heavy, it leaves behind a tiny leaf scar,
already healed by the tree.
Go out and enjoy the leaves this year – hopefully they
will be beautiful! Happy fall,
Ebooks!! Ebooks
have now gone live and you can check out a book to your Nook, Kindle, or other
Ereading device. If you have trouble
accessing Overdrive through the Meinders Library catalogue, please call the
library and let us know!!
PAFL Update: Pipestone Area Friends of the Library is
looking for members – anyone who is a friend to Meinders Library is welcome to
join! The Friends group works hard to
promote the library, raise money for projects, and organize their yearly book
sale, in addition to the HUGE amount of support they provide throughout the
year. For more information, please
contact the library!
Book Club
Reminder: Book
Club will be meeting September 27th at 7:00 PM in the Meinders Library
Conference room. The book this month is Devil
in the White City by Erik Larson.
Please contact the library for a copy and feel free to join up with our
readers! Everyone is welcome!
If you have questions or have a book you’d like to
reserve or renew, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at (507)
825-6714. The hours for Meinders Library
are Monday through Thursday from 10 AM – 8 PM, and Friday and Saturday from 10
AM – 5 PM. (The Saturday of Labor Day
Weekend, the library is only open from 10 until Noon). Meinders Community Library is located at 1401
7th Street SW, on the south side of the high school.