Monday, December 8, 2014

Top Ten Places to Find Lost Books

Pipestone County Star 12-18-2014

Everybody, at one time or another, comes in to the library only to find there’s a book on their card they didn’t remember or can’t find, even me!  So to help with that, and because I needed something silly to write about, here is a list of places you might find a lost book.  Every single place is legitimate and lost books HAVE been found there, so leave no stone unturned!  None of these has ever happened to me (cough cough).

Number Ten Place to Find a Lost Book: In a purse
Probably not your purse, mind you, but you should check all those play purses that your children carry around.  Some of them feel the need to carry a book wherever they go, just in case they need one.  I don’t know ANY adults like this…(looks innocent).

Number Nine Place to Find a Lost Book: Under the front seat of your car
This one is an easy one. Somebody was reading in the back seat and set the book down when they got out at the gas station.  Whoops…feet accidentally shove it under the seat and it gets forgotten.  It’s a good place to look.  Pull out all the candy wrappers and plastic bottles while you’re down there.

Number Eight Place to Find a Lost Book: Under the mail that’s been there for weeks
Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.  There’s someplace in your house where you leave mail and forget about it.  The book might be under there….that electric bill you forgot to pay is in there, too.

Number Seven Place to Find a Lost Book: Behind the TV Cabinet
This works for books as well as DVDs – Maybe you set the book down to get the remote and didn’t notice that it fell behind the cabinet.  Or the DVD that your kids were watching?  It might be back there, too.   Many a lost thing has been found behind the TV cabinet – look out for the killer dust bunnies!

Number Six Place to Find a Lost Book: Holding up the furniture at a relative’s house
This only works for a big book.  Check with family that may have borrowed the book and see if any of the legs of their couch are broken.  Your book might have been used to prop up that couch…

Number Five Place to Find a Lost Book: Behind couch cushions
 Speaking of the couch – check behind the cushions.  You’ll probably find not only the book, but enough change to pay the fine, too!  And if you’re lucky, some unwrapped candies, loose peanuts, and broken matchbox cars.  Maybe that’s just my couch…

Number Four Place to Find a Lost Book: In the hamper
Sorting the laundry is always an adventure – you never know what you might find.  Though it may be covered in dirty socks or stuck in the arm of a sweater, your book might be in the hamper.  Or better yet, your child’s hamper, along with a stuffed animal they’ve been missing for days!

Number Three Place to Find a Lost Book: The garbage can
This goes along with the piles of unread mail and the papers your children being home from school.  I know, you want to save everything they do, but this is not possible, so you leave piles of them on the counter and when that gets unmanageable, you throw them away (I have not ever done this, I swear…).  Oops.  That library book was in the pile…If it’s covered with yesterday’s leftovers, we don’t want it back.

Number Two Place to Find a Lost Book: Behind the toilet
If you have a toilet you can’t see behind, make sure to check there.  My children will take books into the bathroom to read (who did they learn that from, I wonder) and those books occasionally get dropped and left behind.  Hopefully there’s no leak in the toilet and they don’t get wet!

And the Number One Place to Find a Lost Book: Between the bed and the wall.
Kids take their books to bed, there’s no doubting that.  Adults do it, too, sometimes, and frequently fall asleep reading.  The book falls out of their hands and the next time the bed is made, gets shoved alongside the mattress, against the wall or the headboard.  It’s not enough to make it fall to the floor under the bed, just enough to get it stuck.  Good place to look, trust me!

Hope you find those books, and I hope you have a FANTASTIC New Year!!

Winter Weather:  We tend to follow the lead of Pipestone Area Schools.  If the school is closed, we will also be closed.  If the school closes early, we stay open for about a half hour afterwards to make sure all the kids can get picked up.  If the school has a two hour late start, we are not affected and will open at our regular time of 10 AM.

Holiday Hours: We’re into the season now for strange holiday hours and we’ve tried to make it easy.  We will be closed December 24 and 25 for Christmas and we will close at 5:00 PM on New Year’s Eve and closed on New Year’s Day.  Then we will return to regular hours!

PAFL Update:  The BOOKSALE is fast approaching!  You may drop off books at Meinders Library anytime now and the sale will be December 29-31, right after Christmas!  Pipestone Area Friends of the Library is looking for members – anyone who is a friend to Meinders Library is welcome to join!  The Friends group works hard to promote the library, raise money for projects, and organize their yearly book sale, in addition to the HUGE amount of support they provide throughout the year.  Call us for the date of the next meeting!

If you have questions or have a book you’d like to reserve or renew, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at (507) 825-6714.  The hours for Meinders Library are Monday through Thursday from 10 AM – 8 PM, and Friday and Saturday from 10 AM – 5 PM.  Meinders Community Library is located at 1401 7th Street SW, on the south side of the high school.

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